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Process of manufacture

Process of manufacture of the whetstone

I examine the method of construction let alone materials each time and offer a product to be able to meet the request of the visitor by the experience that I cultivated for many years in us.
1. Materials mixture

I mix a diamond binder and resin and metal and an abrasive (a diamond and GC) becoming the body of the whetstone uniformly.
As for the materials mentioned above, each is a slightly small state from several microns to dozens of microns. As much as a grain and powder become small, adhesive power rises each other for reasons of the various places. Therefore each material gathers and becomes easy to make a lump. "Cohesion" means this phenomenon. It is the process that is important because it stabilizes the performance of the whetstone to mix yonini which one grain is far each, and exists uniformly not to perform "cohesion" of this (says "dispersion"). 
What I control whether you let you locate one grain and powder at which position in the overall mixture is impossible because of the size practically each. Similarly, it is impossible to display regularly. However, there are constitution materials, and the discrete whetstone can show performance and the quality that a designer aimed at uniformly. Then I am sorry at all that cannot disclose it as it is in a treasured technique during our treasuring how much you scatter how you scatter it.
For more details, please refer to "I mix materials" of technical data.
2.Molding (I fix the form)

I make the rough form of the whetstone.  Whetstones to make from materials of funtaijo usually cut down the materials in a die and they put pressure and harden it. For a lump of the know-how us's original as for this die most inner; produce it. In the case of the whetstone that thickness is light, I dissolve funtaizairyo in a solvent by time and am crowded and it is gelatinous and does it and I spread it all like a seat and do it in at first rough thickness. Then I punch it in an objective form after having dried the seat.
At the stage of this molding process, whetstone performance and uniformity of the quality are decided.
3. Bake (sintering, burning)
I bake a molded whetstone. 
Then what will you bake it for?
It is only the thing which fine particles having original materials properties, the meeting of the fine powder push it, and hardened only by having performed press (pressurization) of materials.
I heat it at a high temperature to give the whetstone that this molding was completed the strength as the whetstone. Becoming it goes ahead through the alloy, and, in this, heating it at high temperature, as for the metal, a metallic bond advances. A molecular fellow is related by the resin, and becoming it goes ahead through the macromolecule. As a result, I can get strength not to be provided only by merely pushing it, and having hardened it.
I use the machine to bake as follows in us.
● Hot press
 I heat up while pressurizing it in atmospheric pressure environment. It is easy to treat it in a device of the simple and easy mechanism, but uses it though I bake resin materials by problems such as the oxidation of materials mainly.
● Resistance sintering machine
 I apply an electric current in materials itself and let you run a fever in a Joule heat by oneself and bake it. I can raise temperature rapidly, and a considerable high temperature (more than 1,000 degrees Celsius) can do it. In addition, I control the oxidation of materials by making vacuum environment. However, I have a problem not to be usable when it is not a conductive material.  
● Free sintering furnace
 If it is a whetstone press-molded enough, I can bake it without pressurization. It may be spent for the large-scale whetstone that does not enter the vacuum furnace.
● Vacuum sintering machine
 It is a method to bake with a heater, but prevents the oxidation of materials to become the vacuum environment. In addition, the high temperature sintering more than 1,000 degrees Celsius is possible.
● Vacuum plasma sintering machine
 It is the machine which matched a good point of the resistance sintering with a vacuum sintering machine. I bake it while sending an electric current to materials in vacuum environment. It is a method with the possibility to bake the materials which it was hard to bake so far.
4. Finish (the last molding)

The baked whetstone is still doing a rough form. I polish up this according to a demand drawing. 
● I sharpen it and, in the case of a warm whetstone and a wig rest (if I lay the foundation of the whetstone, and the tire of the car is a whetstone, it is a part equivalent to Wheel) whetstone on, polish it with various grinders. 
 * The dimensions that are important by finish are central bores to let go through to the axis of the machine becoming important when I attach it to a machine to grind. I call a process to grind here, and to get predetermined dimensions naikenkako. In addition, I call a process to finish an external form part of the whetstone to demand dimensions laboratory of outside processing. In addition, I fix the thickness of the whetstone including a wig rest and the surface coarseness and call a process to add an angle to with laboratory of aspect processing.
● The whetstone of the difficult shape may use an electric discharge method machine by the manufacturing partially. This processing process enables the impossible processing in our most important know-how in the other companies. For very exact processing, the processing machine is installed in the independent room where temperature humidity was always controlled constantly.
● While the whole that does not have a wig rest polishes it using a free abrasive with the grinder called the rap machine in the case of the whetstone made in the whetstone layer precisely, I drive thickness. 
● In addition, I may burn the whetstone layer alone, but install it in a metal plate becoming the base by various adhesion methods.
After washing, a drying process, I move to a shipment inspection process afterwards.
We look inferior and expand, and we produce whetstones with few the highest facilities for a major whetstone maker.
In addition, based on a policy to always provide high-quality high-performance products to user, I hold the latest facilities for inspection, the analysis facilities.
However, the treasure which we can be proud of most is the members of many Manufacturing Departments which knew everything about whetstone production.
There, our product is the reason that I can differentiate for other brands predominantly.
1117-384, Shimokonakayama, Shibata-shi, Niigata
TEL. 0254-33-2211
FAX. 0254-33-3756
Production, sale of the Diamond whetstone
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